
人们想读你的博客. 你可能不认为这是真的, but the fact of the matter is that someone somewhere is looking for information on a subject you know inside and out. 当然, this information has to be presented in way that is engaging and unique to stand out and catch people's attention as perhaps incorporate key search terms. But with a little work your 博客 can become an asset for your company. 这里有一些建议可以帮助你做到这一点.

我们不是来评判的. 然而, if any one of these scenarios resembles the current state of your 博客, 也许是时候做点什么了. We know you’re busy and that the last thing you want to do is write about your business but, with content that is carefully crafted and curated, your company will have an unique asset that can help lead your marketing, by establishing you as an expert in your field, and promote sales efforts by driving people to your website.

你可能想知道从哪里开始. Well go ahead and reset the password for your WordPress or Tumblr account, because we have a few pointers to help you get started.


For small and medium-sized businesses, it can be difficult to build a brand 身份. You have your logo and colors, but what does your brand consist of beyond that? What is its personality, what characteristics does it have, and what is its tone? These are just a few of the questions you need to consider before you begin writing your 博客 posts, 或者让别人帮你写, 当然, which is a good option for busy business people.

A 博客 that reflects the personality of your business helps to give you a brand 身份 in the minds of readers by letting them know just what your company is. A hardware store is most likely going to want the contents of its 博客 to be straightforward, 可靠、严肃, while a marketing company is likely to have a 博客 that shows off its creativity, playfulness and skill at design and wordplay. This is your chance to develop your company’s 身份, and explore just how you wish to be perceived by online readers.

提示: Before starting to write posts for your 博客, 把你的业务想象成一个人, and write down what this person would say and how they would say it. This should be used as the foundation for each and every 博客 post.


A clearly defined schedule and game plan for your 博客 will help make sure that once the ball starts rolling, 它一直在滚动. Your goal from a scheduling perspective should be to have at least one new post a week. 多多益善, but weekly posts will at least let both readers and 谷歌 know your site is still active.

就博客策略而言, don’t feel like every post needs to be a second coming of The Odyssey. Sometimes all you need to do is come up with a quick tip, or share a video you think is useful to people visiting your website. Varying the the length and type of content featured on your 博客 is a good way to keep things fresh.

提示: At the start of each month, you should come up with 博客 topics and a deadline for each post. This should help make sure content is always going up on your 博客.


One of the biggest challenges for small and medium-sized businesses with a 博客 is to keep the content related to your company without putting on the hard sell. 实际, the goal of your 博客 should be to point people in the direction of your business without pushing them into buying something. They should be able to reach that conclusion organically.

让我们以汽车零件商店为例. A 博客 on the quality of the windshield wipers it sells is unlikely to generate a lot of interest. That’s because it is not something that resonates with a lot of people. A post on the dangers of driving with old wiper blades, 然而, will help get readers more interested in investing in new blades. And the good news for them is that they can purchase new wiper blades right, 甚至不需要离开你的网站.

提示: 除了创建信息帖子, don’t be afraid to add 博客 posts about your employees, especially if you do not have dedicated staff pages on your website. This can enable people get to know the names and faces behind your business, and help potential customers to feel more comfortable with your company as a whole.

You made it to our 博客, so there must be something to this whole 写博客 thing. Get in touch with us if you want to know more about how 写博客, 或者任何其他与技术相关的工具, 能帮助你的企业增值吗. And 当然, feel free to keep reading our 博客 while you’re here!

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